Instructions for how to make the payment in Guesthouse Haltinmaa online shop
Please get familiar with these instructions when you book accommodations and optional supplementary services in Guesthouse Haltinmaa:
You have two choices:
A confirmed booking which you pay immediately at the check-out.
A preliminary booking - also known as open order - which you can pay latest 28 days before your arrival date in Guesthouse Haltinmaa.
Confirmed booking in Guesthouse Haltinmaa's online shop
When you choose to make a confirmed booking, you need to pay for it immediately with a debit or credit card transaction through VismaPay.
A booking and payment confirmation along with a receipt is sent to the e-mail address you gave in the booking process.
The booking is confirmed now that it is fully paid and it is subject to the cancellation terms defined in Guesthouse Haltinmaa's terms and conditions.
Open order in Guesthouse Haltinmaa's online shop
When you choose to make an open order booking, it is valid on a preliminary basis. You need to make the full payment latest 28 days before arrival, or your booking will be automatically cancelled.
A separate e-mail will be sent to you, to the e-mail address you gave in the booking process., with a VismaPay payment link. You can then pay for the booking and thus confirm it. This e-mail is sent to you within 2 weeks of the date when you made the booking.
Kindly note that when you make a preliminary booking, Guesthouse Haltinmaa has the right to cancel your booking at any time until it is fully paid and that Guesthouse Haltinmaa does not send out any payment reminders.